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Friday, January 30, 2009

YAY!!! Got into my first choice. Meridian JC. :D

Was rather happy when I saw the sms this morning. Coz I was worried that I couldn't enter.
Oh well, I guess all went well. Hehes. Lucky me.

But some didn't get into the JC they want.
Good luck to all those who are appealing. x)

~ { 12:17 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, January 8, 2009

69th post. Cool! LOL. :D

Met up with Li Zhong at 9am.
Went to Punggol Park to cycle together.
Practised turning many times. Think I got a little better. Hehes.
Tried downhill turning. Failed AGAIN. I really suck at it. =X
The bicycle which I used, his dad's one, has VERY strong brakes. Press then straight away emergency brake le.. Scary. Nearly 'flew' off the bike several times. Haha!

Sms-ed Pamela to confirm where we were going to meet.
But in the end, it was cancelled. She had team lunch.
Oh well, nvm. Can always meet another time.
And that somehow went out well too. Coz Deborah asked if I wanna meet them at Pasir Ris Beach. If I were to meet Pamela, I would be late. Haha!

Met Deborah, Meixin, Aylwin, and Kaiwei at Whitesands first before taking bus 403 to Pasir Ris Park.
Rented bicycles. Deborah and Meixin rode a tenant bike while Aylwin and I rode single ones.
Kaiwei didn't want to cycle coz he don't know how to.
In the end he offered to carry the group's bags and walked/jogged behind us.
Feel kinda bad about it. He must have felt left out. =x
Stopped awhile to play swing.
Afterwards, Deborah climbed up the spiderweb thingy. However, she had difficulty coming down. Haha!

Went to sit on the long stretch of rock facing the sea.
The wind was rather strong. So refreshing. =D
Aww.. Too bad, Joemin. You weren't there to enjoy it. HAHA.

Kaiwei seemed kinda emo. He came but didn't really do anything much.
Well, next time I shall make him to rent a bicycle and learn cycling together with us. That's how I learnt it. LOL.

The rest had to go off earlier. So we all headed home at around 5+. x)

Haix. O level results will be released on 12 Jan, which is next monday. Die le.. 4 more days only. Hope i didn't do badly. =X

~ { 8:16 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Went out with Meixin and Joemin today. =)
Supposed to meet them at Tampines Mall at 11am. But, I was late AGAIN.. Haha!
Reached Tampines GV at around 11.20am.
Meixin and Joemin helped me to buy the movie ticket already. But mine was the normal price because i wasn't there to show my EZ-link card. Sad.
Gave Joemin her belated Christmas present.
Bedtime Stories; 11.50am
We bought popcorn and Sprite before going into the cinema at around 11.40am.

Reached there rather early. The advertisements haven't even started yet.
We decided to call Deborah to disturb her. Haha!
Chatted with her for quite awhile till the movie finally started.
Well, the movie is pretty nice. Quite funny. And there's this guinea pig with extra huge eyes. So CUTE! xD

After the movie, we took MRT to Pasir Ris and had lunch at Whitesands.
Ate at the food court. But Joemin didn't order anything. Instead, she was piling up her $5 worth of coins. LOL.
Decided to visit Deborah's house to see Chewy and her.

Took bus 3 from Pasir Ris interchange. Waited for like almost 30 minutes for it. >.>
Reached soon and we met her.
Well, Chewy looks so cute. But I was rather scared of it at first. Never really interact with dogs before. But it wasn't aggressive at all. Cool!
After much discussion, we were allowed to enter Deborah's house. Hehes.
Played with Chewy and watched Meixin play audi.
Went off at around 4.30pm or so. Wanted to go Pasir Ris Park to cycle.

But halfway, we took the wrong bus. Like OMG. We looked at all the bus services' stops and thought Pasir Ris Town Park = Pasir Ris Park.
In the end, we had to walk back to the same bus stop and waited for bus 403 for around 20+min. Snail bus. =X

Reached Pasir Ris Park and rented bikes to cycle.
And, I finally learnt how to cycle~ Woots!
But still, I'm really bad at uphills/downhills and turning. Gonna master those another time.
Must really thank all those who were with me in my cycling attempts. Deborah, Meixin, Christina, Aylwin, and Joemin. Thanks! :D
Well, when cycling, Meixin and Joemin were like asking me not to stop pedalling unless there were any DANGER. And by DANGER, it means something like falling down the bridge or knocking into small kids. Haha!
And Joemin also 'threatened' me with the Christmas card she made. D:
Oh well, I guess all went well in the end. x)

Went back to Whitesands at around 7+pm. Meixin waited for her parents to fetch while Joemin and I took the MRT home.
Chatted with her along the way and told her some jokes.
Received a Christmas card from her before we reached Outram Park and I had to switch to the North-East line.
It's so nice. Hehes. Thanks! =D

Reached home at around 8+pm. Was tired. Chatted on MSN for awhile before going to bed.

Shall blog again next time. Till then...

Well, if I'm not wrong, Elissa would be back by 31st. YAY! At long last.. Hehes. Missed her loads. x3

~ { 9:15 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, December 20, 2008

WOOTS! Today's a really special day. My birthday~ =3
Thanks to all those who wished me happy bday.

Woke up rather early in the morning.
Went online and chatted with Meixin.
Played audi with Meixin and Christina. Both more pro than me. I'm like so noob. =x
Mum prepared for me sugared eggs. Haha! Don't really like them. Tasted too sweet.

Met Deborah, Meixin and Christina at Tampines Mall at 2pm. My KX family Daddy, Aunt, and Mummy respectively.
Erm.. Okay. I was late AGAIN. Paiseh. Haha! But Meixin and Christina were actually later than me. :D
Headed to Bedok by MRT.
Went to KFC to have a light lunch.
Received birthday present from Deborah and Meixin. Woots!
So nice of them. Haha! Thank you all!! =3

The group went to buy sushi before we went to watch the Christmas drama, The Blood Brothers.
Joked around when the person on stage asked the audience questions. Made the three of them laugh out loud. Haha!!
"how many of you were born in the 70s?" -raised and waved my hand-
"how many of you were born in the 80s?" - raised my hand also-
Lastly, the person asked those who were born in the month of december to stand up.
And obviously I stood up. Was like the first to do so. Haha! See.. I'm so ENTHU.
The audience were asked to sing a birthday song for us december babies together.
Was kinda awkward, but who cares. Had my share of fun too. xD
Oh ya! Almost forgot to mention. Whenever I joked around, Deborah and Meixin 'slapped' my leg/arm. Especially Deborah. Aww.. What's wrong about having A LITTLE fun. xP

Well, the skit ended earlier than expected. Was suppose to end at 7pm. But it ended at around 6pm. Haha!
Ehh.. It was rather nice. Quite touching. But not enough to make me tear. =3
Christina left soon after. She had to go for church.

Somehow, we managed to catch up to her in time and we took the same bus back to Bedok MRT.
Received a call on the way. Had to go Clementi to celebrate with my family again.
Bidded them goodbye before taking the train towards Boon Lay.

Had buffet at Sakura. Didn't had much of an appetite. So I didn't eat much. But my parents and sister ate alot. ESPECIALLY my sis. Monster appetite. Haha!
Was rather late when all of it ended. Thus we took taxi home.

Reached home at around 11+pm. And here I am blogging. Haha!
My first longest post in such a long time. Kkays, shall update again next time. x)

ARGH. Darling, I miss you.. Hope you'll return from overseas soon. Wanna see you. Loves. x3

~ { 11:33 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So far, i broke my previous Word Challenge record. Currently 8500+. But still ranked 9th. >.>
Played Geo Challenge. Not really good at it. Only 4600+. Ranked 7th.
Also played Who Has The Biggest Brain. 2300+. Ranked 9th. So many people have bigger brain than mine. Haha!
Lastly, Bowling Buddies. Only 179. Ranked 6th.

Somehow I'm rather addicted to Facebook.. Been playing a lot lately. x.X

~ { 11:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Woots. It's been a long time since I last updated. =x

Finished watching Kage Kara Mamoru a few days ago. Deborah intro de. 12 episodes. It's a rather nice anime actually. A combination of humour/action/romance, I think.. Except the theme song is abit girly. Haha!

So far, since the holiday started, I completed Prince of Tennis, Avatar: The Last Air Bender, and Kage Kara Mamoru.. Hmm.. Wonder if I should continue searching for more animes to watch.

Currently playing Pet Society on Facebook. Kinda crazy about it. I raised my pet to lvl 22 in 2 days. x.X

Also played Word Challenge. Made a new personal record of 7500+. Hehes. But I am only ranked like 9th in my friends list. Evan and Jun Wei's score were damn high. 160+k and 230+k respectively. Something is fishy about their scores.. >.>

Haix. I miss her. She's leaving for holiday trip soon. Tomorrow to be exact. Can only see her again next year. So sad. =(

Kkays. Gonna update again next time. Till then... x)


~ { 11:34 AM }
reflections of you and me;

Friday, October 31, 2008

Erm.. She asked me to post, so yeah.. I found this quiz. =D

Name 20 people. ( not in ranking )
1. Elissa
2. Huihua
3. Li Zhong
4. Jun Jie
5. Amy
6 Peony
7. Chewmei
8. Yihuan
9. Beier
10. Meng Long
11. Hexiang
12. Silvester
13. Pamela
14. Deborah
15. Evan
16. Bellrarie
17. Bryan Tan
18. Jiajun
19. Lavinia
20. Yingjie

-How did you meet 14?
Deborah; Through Elissa. On MSN. Never really met her in actual before though.. Haha!

-What would you do if you never met 1?
Elissa; Hmm.. Good question. Well, it's fate that i met her. No "IF"s. =)

-What if 9 and 20 dated each other?
Beier, Yingjie; Erm.. They don't even have the slightest idea of the other. Haha!

-Will 6 and 17 date?
Peony, Bryan Tan; Well, I doubt so.

-Describe 3!
Li Zhong; My good friend. x)

-Is 8 attractive?
Yihuan; Erm...

-Describe 7.
Chewmei; She's friendly. =)

-Do you know any of 12's family members?
Silvester; Nope.

-What if 18 confesses to you he/she likes you?
Jiajun; OMG...

-What language does 15 speaks?
Evan; English

-Who's going out with 9?
Beier; Well, from what I know, he's single.

-How old is 16?
Bellrarie; Well, same as the number.

-When did you last speak to 13?
Pamela; Hmm.. Probably last week. On MSN.

-Who is 2's favourite singer?
Huihua; My sister's favourite singer? Ehh... I don't know. Haha! I only know she likes Fahrenheit and Bang Bang Tang.

-Would you ever date with 4?
Jun Jie; Erm.. I'm not gay. Haha!

-Will you ever date with 1?
Elissa; Duhh. Hehes. We already are. x3

-Is 19 single?
Lavinia; Hmm.. I'm not sure. Think she's attached le.

-What's 10 last name?
Meng Long; Ge Meng Long.

-School of 3?
Li Zhong; Catholic High School.

-Where does 6 live?
Peony; Pasir Ris.

-What is your favourite thing of 5?
Amy; Hmm.. Her friendliness?

-Have you ever seen 11 naked?
Hexiang; No. x.X

~ { 9:37 PM }
reflections of you and me;